Egypt mtDNA and the Nile Valley ኒለ ቫልለይ Dna DiversitY.. The Maternal Hamito-Semitic.. mtDna Haplogroup L

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Diversity of 58 individuals from Upper Egypt, more than half (34 individuals) from Gurna, Whose population has an Ancient Cultural History, Were studied by sequencing The Control-Region and screening diagnostic RFLP markers. This Sedentary Population: (meaning= inhabiting the same location through out life, non nomadic) Presented similarities to the Ethiopian Population... Continue Reading →

Ancient Egyptians, E-thi-o’-pi-ans, Nubians and Hebrews are the Same Ethnic People: NILE VALLEY: North Africa / Sahara / Horn of Africa and West Asia..

This is the Ancient Nuzi Map of Eden, which supports the existence of the African Eden. The First Five African Languages of the Bible 1. Kemetic (Egyptian) 2. Geez 3. Amharic 4. Phoenician Hebrew 5. Aramaic The Bible was Translated 1000 years later by the Greeks 3rd Century BCE also known as the Septuagint (The Translation... Continue Reading →

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